Dec 20, 2007


If you have kids I'm sure this has happened to least once. Last night Hunter threw up all over in our new van. Poor kid! If you drive with me in the near future, don't mind the smell : /


Nicole Howard said...

Sick!! Poor thing. When we dropped off Austin's binky we saw Will cleaning it again. Fun Fun.

Nikki said...

oh sad. I've washed my sheets three times this week-- twice due to Bun throw-up and once due to him wetting out his diaper and all the way through the sheets and quilt to the mattress (he was sleeping on top of the quilt). Last night he slept in his own bed.

Nikki said...


You have been tagged!

Anonymous said...

Well, at least the van is initiated, it is truely a Benson van now. Dang, it sure isn't fun being sick. Hunter, I hope you're feeling better, did you eat all the cake!!! Take care of my grandson and give hime lots of XOXO from me.

Haddorkus said...

Throwing up in the car is the worst place. Confined space and that smell. YUCK! My Bug threw up the other day but he actually ran to the toilet and made it and everything. Not a thing to clean up. I felt so lucky.